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Joyful Creative Life Blog Articles

Written & Illustrated by: Tanya J. de Wet

Fallen "Out of Love" with Your Life Lately? Try This!

Writer's picture: Tanya{ADMIN}Tanya{ADMIN}

We've all had our fair share of struggles, let downs & hearing ‘no’ too many times... But are you picking up the parts you still enjoy & making things right in your life?

January 2025 has gone by & it already feels like I'm making more mistakes than last year. With deadlines lingering, projects barking in the background & commitments I need more help with than I would like to admit.

Making the decision to set better intentions, getting to my tasks before the day drew to a close & making time for my design business all feels like a heavy load to face after a long day filled with everything I must do! Time was catching up with me & fear started creeping in...

Visit Your Inner Garden thumbnail

Let me know if this sounds like you! (I'm sure we share many of these questions)

Have you recently asked yourself:

"When will I find a good time to start doing something for myself again?' Or maybe its a feeling of guilt about the three courses you signed up for last year, but never got around to doing? Or is it that you say yes to so many things that you hardly have time to catch up with friends?

I was desperate for a break!

This week, when my best friend sent me a text message saying: "Hey, let's go for coffee before we head out to the farm", it turned out to be exactly what I needed! Meggipie may not even realize just how much her text message meant to me yesterday. It was the perfect low-impact thing to say yes to but had the highest rewards that suddenly lifted me out of this pit of overwhelm. It was the much-needed relief I needed & the supportive presence I could tell my hopes & dreams to while refueling on encouragement…

If you are a friend who has a friend who is often drowning in work, will you send them a text message today to ask them out for a coffee?

Will you be a darling friend who will help them feel loved... who will care about their dreams... who will listen to their wild ideas... will you be the one who makes them a cup of tea that tastes a little bit special? Will you be there when they need to feel appreciated?

This connection in support of what we dream to accomplish is soooo important. There is way too much space between us these days as we tend to pick up our phones & scroll, forgetting that the fix we need isn't found online, but rather in the hugs, the meaningful conversations & the plans we make while having our friends around us.

It's too easy to get lost in the inner critic’s grip when the crevasses of the garden of our mind are filled with weeds

Do you know what I mean?

Those weeds are the things that end up crushing our dreams. They outgrow our ideas, they smother our drives & no matter how much we want to get some of it done, the weeds keep on growing closer trying to sow self-doubt!

There's nothing wrong with a few little weeds. As a matter of fact, I would love for you to embrace your little weeds or at least discover them with our downloadable resources. We sometimes refer to it as the weed-eater & the PDF version called "Overcoming the Dream Crushing Weeds" is ready if you feel you need a creative helping hand! Once on the path of reading through the PFD, you'll find further encouragement in your inbox as these messages accompany the PDF with a follow up series of video's you'll find even more helpful.

As soon as you start noticing the weeds, you'll tend to the thoughts, the feelings & your actions a little better as well.

And you can enjoy whenever thought you want as you won't need to pick out so many weeds once the garden of your mind is cleared of the things that sometimes hold us back from pursuing our big dreams.

And if you haven't done any reflection lately, make time to check in with yourself. Do some mindful things to take care of your needs!

Reach out, make that call, invite friends over for tea, do something special. At times taking a little for yourself & at other times to give back. Creating balance, harmony, optimism & space for your 'more' is all it takes to get the ball rolling again.

Be mindful of the inner garden, and if you don't have the means or skills to do something about the negative parts, find someone special you can confide in. It is in these mindful moments that you get to live out your dreams, practice the things you love while making time to sort through the hurdles to move along confidently.

"These mindful practices really don't cost us anything but they contain the rewards of joy our Human Soul needs most." - Tanya J. de Wet

And if you don't have anyone you can text, then go into your garden or wander to a nearby park. On the way there take a few deep breaths.

In this moment is a gift you have not allowed yourself to feel. And with it comes the wisdom about the importance of your next inhale. It is the most important thing right now as without it, you'll drift off to sleep not knowing that was your last one.

To think about something as simple as taking your last breath makes breathing something you'll never take for granted again. And as you release the one held inside to make room for taking the next breath of fresh air, you'll also notice how much you have to be grateful for.

Old, outdated thoughts settled down; the heavy load feels lighter & you come to realize your hopes & dreams need you to action. You don't need anything else at this very moment to get your thoughts together, bring your focus back to what you want & to think a little bit clearer!

you know, indecision wrecks even our best laid out plans. I see people fall off the wagon as much as I've seen them rejuvenated after dealing with their internal fears! And that is something only you can fix by watching your thoughts, counting your blessings & making sure you breathe at least three deep breaths every time you feel something internal happening to you.

For all our other freebies & downloads go to

Taking care of the inner garden of your mind becomes the driving force in every day as you go into your special place, pick up that project you've been neglecting, make it beautiful for you. I promise, by the time you've made a connection between the decision you need to make & the death of fear you will bring yourself closer to the things you must do to feel your best self very soon.

All the words above to say; You have options. You have a choice. What you want matters. Life will flow better when you breathe with ease. It will all continue exactly as your conscious awareness of the vital life forces expresses itself through you. 

Growing up wasn't always wrapped in love like what I'm experiencing now. At least not in the way I needed it to be. I do not know when it changed, maybe when I had my own children to take care of & love. What I feel now isn't charged with sadness, riddled with regrets or showered with emotional turmoil, 'it' has become a spec in my heart I can hold as sacred. It is a place inside filled with creativity & an outpouring of the gifts I was given, the skills I've nurtured & all the deep inhales I've had to learn to appreciate along the way.

Today, you are closer to doing the same for yourself, be it through Overcoming the Dream Crushing Weeds or though mastering yourself in a place where your creative heart can bloom(This link goes to the Creative's Mindful Way to Self-Mastery Open Studio Sessions) one thing remains & that is you can change anything with your next choice & your next action!!!!



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