If you are just too scared to follow your heart (like I was 6 years ago) then there is hope for you in today's blog article!
Is it your objective to be happy, fulfilled, abundant & content with your life?
Maybe the question needs to be whether or not the choices you've made recently are aligned with these potential outcomes? If they do not align, I can see why you may be feeling too scared to do anything about it...
I would also feel scared to do anything beautiful for myself if all the horrible fear based thoughts kept on playing in my mind.
But, and this is a big 'BUT'
If your heart is still filled with ideas rolled into the creative things you crave doing every day, then every big & small dream may also still be alive within you. Some of these dreams might be years in the making, and some may be newly found ideas, but if you want a reason to flush all the negativity, then I would love nothing more than to help you release some of the scary stuff.
We can talk about failing & not thinking you are able to do what you want. We can also talk about a new path you might feel like taking on. And we can talk about reserving a place in the world where your dreams can manifest faster than you think...
However, it's helpful to know that you'll the persistence of a child excited about their new toy! Question is, will you allow yourself to have this thing you really, really want?
A successful outcome will always be in line with what you focus on doing the most, not what you dream of doing
And if all you can see are problems & scary outcomes, then that is what will make many of your new happier choices harder than they need to be.
Listen in on the conversations about how to help yourself with the tips I share in the video. And you'll be able to download the Floral Pattern Paint-a-long Template to follow along while you create with mindful intention.

Paint along & listen in on the conversation as I talk to you about how creativity can help you!
There is magic in the choice to change & in the choice to start
Mindfulness & creative practices helped me on my creative journey to find all the masterpieces within.
I was terribly worried that I wouldn't make it. Now, 6 years down the line, I would tell my younger self this: "Relax about the scary stuff because your choices always work out for the best!"
Like mine did when I joined the one person who could teach me about designing the wallpaper you see in my studio when we record videos from there.
Did you know that wallpaper design came form drawing inside my sketchbooks?
If you want to learn more about who taught me to become a repeat pattern designer & how you can become one too, watch the Pattern Playbook summary video here all about the 7 industry secrets nobody has talked about.
In this week's new YouTube Video, the one I shared above, I talk about how creativity can help you through difficult times. How failures are helpful tools to go through things. How we need to see the benefits of the lessons learned along the way & how we need to talk to the inner critic to quiet its hurtful ego-voice.
How often do you wonder how different your career could be if only you could choose something new that excited you again...
I can only herald in the amazing opportunities that made my dreams come true. It was at this turning point of choices that I gave my fears a voice. They now live in an old journal where I wrote about them & they do not live in my mind anymore...
If you gave your fears a voice & a place to live outside your mind, you would see that those doubts would never feel as big as they do right now!
I've been there, ate a slice of the self-doubt pie & choked on a crumb only find out it wasn't as scary as I had imagined it all to be.
Let's see if you can relate to any of these thoughts I've also had in the past:
I felt like learning a new skill was more for the younger generations, besides, how on earth could I learn something new if I didn't have enough time in my upside down life...
It seem so scared to start something new & I'm nervous about what could go wrong!
I've always felt insecure about the arty things I loved making, what if no one likes them?
Someone like me does not have the inexperience to actually get traction as a creative.
What if none of these outdated beliefs needed to be in your mind?
Starting where you are with what you have is the only way I would even recommend starting anything new anyway! So, let's fact check a few things I've learned since:
🌸You don't need more time; you need to prioritize what's important to you.
🌸We all feel scared in the beginning; the secret is to show up to the task regardless.
🌸If you love what you make, chances are there will be other's who will love what you make! 🌸You don't need any experience to start anything! What you need is to choose a dream to pursue & stick to it until you get there!
You will find your greatest strengths along the way, just like I did. And by this time next year you would have learned so many new skills, you'll have overcome your mistakes, just like I did. You will have discovered your strengths, just like I did & all the risk you were so worried about will have sorted themselves out as you progressed to tell the story!
What is more risky is staying where you are for another year & then admitting to yourself that you should have done this last year already.
Now is the time to be courageous in taking the first step to Blossom & Grow on your unique journey, completely aligned with your ambitions >>> Learn More HERE
Once you know what you want, I'll support you through self-doubt. I'll help you stay on
track with themes & interesting topics.
And you'll fall in love with your life for all the right reasons as you literally following your ideas, make more of the things you love doing & prioritize some time to follow your heart to it's North Star!
Happy creating your dream life!
Much Love
xo Tanya
PS: The course that taught me everything about repeat pattern designing is only open once a year & until Tuesday CET you'll be able to join the Immersion Course, the one I took that helped me find a path to elevate my income. Bonnie is one of my teachers & someone who I trust enough to share my creative career passions with. If you happen to click on any of the affiliate links shared here, I'll be rewarded as one of her collaborators.